Friday, December 30, 2022

Welcome to the Sanctum Sanctorum of Bal-Sagoth


byron roberts, bal sagoth

Welcome to the Sanctum Sanctorum of Bal-Sagoth. Here you’ll find information on the various projects of Byron Roberts, vocalist/lyricist/founder of the symphonic black metal band Bal-Sagoth and author of pulp sword & sorcery stories. This will include band news as well as updates on Byron’s short stories, novels, etc. Browse the various pages of this site via the buttons to the right, and return to this welcome page by clicking the banner at the top. Thanks for visiting!

“Bal-Sagoth the band is just one facet of the vast and far-reaching world of these stories. The lyrics of the six albums are reflections of a much larger and more intricate body of work, and only a relatively small part of that has thus far been revealed in the lyric booklets. As I originally intended, the chronicles of this baroque fantasy world now encompass other forms of media such as prose short stories and novellas. Additionally, the canon will also ultimately include graphic novels, illustrated books, role-playing games and more. The forthcoming revised and expanded edition of my Glossary (entitled “The Lexicon”) will also provide readers with unprecedented information on all aspects of the lyrical mythos.”      

Byron Roberts

byron roberts, bal sagoth

bal sagoth, byron roberts

byron roberts, bal sagoth

bal sagoth, byron roberts

byron roberts, bal sagoth

bal sagoth, byron roberts

bal sagoth, byron roberts

bal sagoth, byron roberts

bal sagoth, byron roberts

bal sagoth, byron roberts

bal sagoth, byron roberts

byron roberts, caylen tor, bal sagoth

byron roberts, bal sagoth, caylen tor

byron roberts, bal sagoth, caylen tor

caylen tor, bal sagoth, byron roberts

byron roberts, bal sagoth, swords of steel, caleb blackthorne

bal sagoth, byron roberts

byron roberts, bal sagoth

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